Séminaire joint VIM-Micalis : Antonio Peixoto et Céline Cougoule - 05/02/2019 (Amphi bât 440)

Séminaire joint VIM-Micalis : Antonio Peixoto et Céline Cougoule

04 février 2019

11h - Amphi du bâtiment 440

Expertise and tools to explore host-pathogen interactions: a focus on organoids as a human model system

Antonio Peixoto et Céline Cougoule (Imaging Core Facility, Institut of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, CNRS UPS UMR5089, Toulouse) invités par C. Langevin

Expertise and tools to explore host-pathogen interactions: a focus on organoids as a human model system

Mardi 5 février dans l'amphi du bâtiment 440 à 11h

Infectious diseases are a major challenge to public health due to the strategies that pathogens use to subvert host responses and to develop resistance to treatments, such as antibiotics. Here we will present the current areas of research of the Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (IPBS) in infectious diseases and the tools to support these research programs. Currently, the IPBS has acquired a high level of expertise in the functional exploration of infectious diseases in BSL3 using imaging approaches thanks to the award of the ANIMFIMIP Equipex and Fondation Bettencourt Schueller Grants. In parallel, IPBS has developed skills in adult stem cell-derived human lung organoids as a model system displaying organ functionalities in order to explore host-pathogen interactions in a human setting. Altogether, the tools and expertise of the IPBS make a unique environment to study infectious diseases, in particular M. tuberculosis infection but also other respiratory pathogens. 

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr